Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little of this a Little of that...

My poor blog has been neglected!

I keep telling myself I'm going to get more into this! But we all see how thats going huh?

We have been crazy busy!!

We have been on trips, had people visit, planned more trips, had some month birthdays for Little Man, started a business, had a gallbladder removed, and overall have just enjoyed being together!

Life does not appear to be slowing down any time soon! We have a big trip coming up, holidays, and then a big birthday!! I am so excited! I just can't believe that he is almost 1!!

I'll be back soon to post some new pictures! Tomorrow the three of us are going to the pumpkin patch! I can't wait!


Kelli said...

So i found your blog through MckMama's community. I'm not a member on there but if you have any of the coupons left i would LOVE to have one! my email is

Thank you soo much!

Megan R. said...

Hi Sarah! I found your blog through Kelli (below), and I am in Omaha, too! I'm not sure if you are already involved in a Mom's group, but I belong to My Omaha Mommies (MOM) and we are always happy to get new members! Drop me a line sometime, and I can tell you more! Your LO is adorable!
